Impacting One

In Mind
Heart & Spirit

Get clarity on what's holding you back from the life that you want

Do you find yourself in a state of confusion?

The dilemma is that we often know exactly what we want but are unsure of where to begin, how to move forward, or what plan of action to take. It can lead to feelings of uncertainty, sadness, rage, and frustration.

If the answer is YES, Don’t worry! That’s what I am here for!

I can help you live the life of your dreams

  • HEAL from your PAST.
  • TAKE CHARGE of your life and move forward.
  • The true POSSIBILITIES available to you.
  • Get CLEAR on your VISION
  • Create ACTION STEPS to accomplish your goals.
  • See your true IDENTITY in Christ.


to learn more about how I can help!



“ Phyllis has been a blessing. I have been inspired to live by vision and seen God do some amazing things. It has been an empowering experience.”


“ I thoroughly enjoyed the Vision Workshop. It has had deeply profound, enlightening impact on my life. Phyllis is a fun, knowledgeable and spiritual teacher. I highly recommend the Vision Workshop! “


“ Powerful experience, because I finally understand that I was created for purpose. I am now free to be myself and accepted for who I am. It pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me see that it was possible to overcome my fears and imitations.”


Phyllis sometimes if I'm late she's sitting there already praising got the music on and when we get on she's ready to go and I can see where she has yielded herself to god to allow god to speak through her to me very directly it has been a very valuable thing for me in my life it has allowed me to also be the best I could be in the business that I am I am so much better today then I was a year ago.