Phyllis Breech

Phyllis Breech

Phyllis Breech is a Speaker, Author, Nonprofit, Business Strategist & High-Performance Executive Coach. She launched her firm, Software Applications Technology, in 1995. Her team has been developing custom applications, digital marketing, and web design, including various online marketing services for their clients for over 30 years.

From a different perspective, Phyllis has triumphed over depression and being stuck in fear for many years. She has gone from days not being able to get out of bed to standing firmly in the light of who she is, where fear and pain are no longer the struggles.

After being asked over and over again by others if they could pick her brain, she started Impact One Life Coaching. She saw a huge need in women who were stuck and need to experience breakthroughs. She created a breakthrough program from her life experiences that she had used to coach others through to their greater shelf. She incorporates her faith and love for God into an exciting combination of strategic goals and action to get results for her clients.

Her passion is empowering individuals to Pray, Release and Soar into their purpose. She helps clients face their fears to move forward in their calling.

Phyllis has been instrumental in the formation of hundreds of non-profit organizations and has served on several boards, exercising her passion for serving others. She has also helped businesses and non-profit organizations set up and establish their online presence.

She was successful in leading an organization of 4,500 members, as the District Director in 2019. Phyllis is an influential leader in her community and church.

Together with her husband, they served as Marriage Ministry Pastors at a multi-culture megachurch in her community where they impacted hundreds of lives for the Kingdom of God. Her passion to serve others has taken her on several mission trips, both locally and to India and Nicaragua.

In addition to being a wife, mother, and grandmother, Phyllis is passionate about being able to give back to the community through a variety of volunteer and non-profit opportunities.

My Vision And Mission

Her vision and mission are to help others live out their purpose and calling, starting with themselves, then to impact the world for the Kingdom of God. 



“ Phyllis has been a blessing. I have been inspired to live by vision and seen God do some amazing things. It has been an empowering experience.”


“ I thoroughly enjoyed the Vision Workshop. It has had deeply profound, enlightening impact on my life. Phyllis is a fun, knowledgeable and spiritual teacher. I highly recommend the Vision Workshop! “


“ Powerful experience, because I finally understand that I was created for purpose. I am now free to be myself and accepted for who I am. It pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me see that it was possible to overcome my fears and imitations.”


Phyllis sometimes if I'm late she's sitting there already praising got the music on and when we get on she's ready to go and I can see where she has yielded herself to god to allow god to speak through her to me very directly it has been a very valuable thing for me in my life it has allowed me to also be the best I could be in the business that I am I am so much better today then I was a year ago.